Principles of Conducting Research

This course aims to introduce the process of research that will enhance the students’ knowledge in investigating issues related to Education and Social Sciences. The course is designed to guide the students inwriting their research. The paradigms (patterns) of research in social sciences are also outlined.

At the end of this course, participants will learn how to:






  • Introduction
  • Scope and Issues of the course
  • The Research Process
  •  Initial proposal and Three-chapter proposal structure
  • Guiding students on how to choose a research topic

Lecture (2 hours)

  • Background of the study
  • Statement of the Problem 
  • Significance
  • Objectives, Hypotheses, Research Questions
  • Limitations
  • Reviewing the Literature 
  • Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks
  • Literature Map


  • Methodology
  • Research designs (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods research design)
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Sampling methods
  • Validity and reliability

Lecture (2 hours)



A homework/quiz will be given to the students.



  • Discussion of findings
  •  Implications 
  • Conclusion
  • The Language of Academic Writing
  • APA style, bibliography, citation

Lecture (2 hours)

Who should attend: Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, novice researchers and research analysts

Mode: Online

Language: English

Registration (Open till February 15, 2022):

The registration fee per person is 40 USD for the entire course. CRD offers 25%. discount to SIMAD University students, alumni, and staff.

A. Online registration steps:

1. Make the payment via one of SIMAD University Bank Accounts. Here are some. Salaam bank : 30027598, Premier bank: 20300001001, DHSL bank :1822.

2. Click here to fill up the online registration form. 

B. Offline registration steps:

1.Make the payment via one of SIMAD University Bank Accounts. Here are some. Salaam bank : 30027598, Premier bank: 20300001001, DHSL bank :1822.

2. Bring your bank slip to SIMAD University’s cash office and collect your proof of payment.

3. Visit our office to get registered.

 About the facilitator:


Dr Mansour Amini has a PhD in Translation Studies from Universiti Sans Malaysia. He has conducted research projects and workshops in several countries and has published 42 (13 ISI/SCOPUS-indexed and 29 other-indexed) papers in the areas of Language Teaching, Translation, and other interdisciplinary areas in Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities. He is a reviewer/board member of several academic journals.Currently he is attached to the School of Languages, Literacies, and Translation, USM, Malaysia.



Work Experience


Administrative Positions


Awards and recognition


Language Degree



Published articles

1.     Ahadzadeh, A.S., Rafik-Galea, S., Alavi, M., &Amini, M. (2018).Relationship between body mass index, body image, and fear of negative evaluation: Moderating role of self-esteem. Health Psychology Open, 1-8.

2.     Alavi, S.S., & Amini, M. (2016).  Language trajectory through corrective feedback. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 3 (4) 7-13.

3.     Alavi, M., Adibah Abdul Latif, MohdTajudinNinggal, Mohamed Sharif Mustaffa,& Amini, M. (2020). Family Functioning and Attachment Among Young Adults in Western and Non-Western Societies, The Journal of Psychology, 154(5), 346-366.

4.     Alavi, M., Mehrinezhad, S. A., Amini, M., & Kaur A/P Parthaman Singh, M. (2017).Family functioning and trait emotional intelligence among youth.  Health Psychology Open, 1-5.

5.     Alavi, M., Seng, J.H., Mustafa, M.S., Ninggal, M.T., Amini, M., & Latif, A.A. (2018). Attention, impulsiveness, and gender in academic achievement among typically developing children. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 0(0) 1–20.

6.     Alavi, S. S., Voon Foo1, T. C., & Amini, M. (2015). L2 learners’ proficiency development through noticing feedback. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2 (5) 25-41.

7.     Alavi, S.S., Voon Foo, T.C., & Amini, M. (2015). Vocabulary development through corrective feedback. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2 (6), 25-41.

8.     Amini, M. (2020). Research and teaching: my engagement in this dialogue. UCSI Newsletter, 2(4), 10-11.

9.     Amini, M., Alavi, S.S., &Zahabi, A. (2018). The efficacy of procedural and declarative learning strategies on EFL students’ oral proficiency. The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature: Dynamics and Advances, 4(1), 45-61.

10.  Amini, M., Alavi, S.S., Zahabi, A., & Vorster, E. (2017). Patterns of corrective feedback in EFL dyadic classroom interaction. Proceedings of The 8th Hatyai National and International Conference Thursday, June 22, 2027, Hatyai University: Thailand.

11.  Amini, D., Ayari, S., & Amini, M. (2016). The effect of flow state on EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 3(5), 9-11.

12.  Amini, M., Alavi, S.S., & Amini, D. (2016). Clients’ quality expectations in Malaysian conference interpreting. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 3(1) 14-36.

13.  Amini, D., & Amini, M. (2012). Teacher and learner in humanistic language teaching. Language in India, 12(7), 100-112.

14.  Amini, D. & Amini, M. (2017). Integrating emotional, motivational and cognitive engagement to create state of flow in language learning tasks. Journal of Language and Communication, 4(1), 27-41.

15.  Amini, D., Amini, M., NaseriMaleki F. (2019).Investigating noticing in narrative writing tasks and its effect on EFL learners’ writing performance. Applied Research on English Language 8(3), 365-382.

16.  Amini, M., Amini, D., Alavi, S.S., & Esfandiari M.R. (2017). Malaysian and non-Malaysian users’ quality expectations in conference interpreting. Journal of Translator Education and Translation Studies, 2 (4), 22-44.

17.  Amini, M. Amini, D., & Esfandiari, M.R. (2016).  Conference typology and users’ quality perceptions in Malaysian conference interpreting. Journal of Language and Communication, 3(2), 147-169.

18.  Amini, M., Amini, D., &Yaqubi, M. (2016). Interpreters’ perceptions on their profession and quality in Malaysian conference interpreting. Studies in English Language Teaching (SELT), 4(1)77-86.

19.  Amini, M., & Ibrahim- González, N. (2012). The washback effect of cloze and multiple-choice tests on vocabulary acquisition. Language in India. 12 (7)71-91.

20.  Amini, M., Ibrahim- González, N. &Ayob, L. (2012). Quality of interpreting from users’ perspectives. Proceedings of the 7th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MICOLLAC), 2012.

21.  Amini, M., Ibrahim- González, N., &Ayob, L. (2013). Quality of interpreting from users’ perspectives. International Journal of Language and Education, 2(1), 89-98.

22.  Amini, M., Ibrahim- González, N. Ayob, L., & Amini, D. (2015). Users’ quality expectations in conference interpreting. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2 (5), 1-17.

23.  Amini,M., Ng,S.H.,Ooi, H., &Siau, C.S. (2021). “Explicitation” in Malay to English translation of Usman Awang’s Sahabatku (Kepada Dr M K Rajakumar). AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 9 (1), 80-91.

24.  Amini, M., Zahabi, A., Amini, D., &Aalvi Hosseini, S.S (2020). A review of reading strategies and models in learning and teaching of English as a Foreign Language. AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy, 8 (2), 14-26.

25.   Daud, N.A., Devi, P., Amini, M., &NaghmehAbbaspour, B. (2021). Application of Skopos theory in evaluation of readability and cohesion in English to Malay translation of four selected children fables. INSANIAH: Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities, 4(2),41-61.

26.  Lee, K.F., Latha, R., Amini, M. (2021). A review on the implications of Realia in enhancing students’ educationalexperience in Online Language Classroom. Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers &Teacher Education 11 (2), 17-27

27.  James, O.E., Amini, M., &Yaqubi, M. (2020). English language anxiety: A case study on undergraduate ESL students in Malaysia, Studies in Linguistics and Literature, 4(1), 9-39. 

28.  James, O.E. & Tan, J. Y. S. & Amini, M. (2018). Translation strategies in the Chinese and Indonesian translations of English Christmas carols. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, Special Issue 6, 1097-1104.

29.  Khoo, M. S.A., Ahadzadeh, A.S., & Amini, M. (2021). The Impact of Media Exposure on Fashion Consciousness: A Qualitative Study. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences (KJSS). [ACCEPTED: 7 February 2021]

30.  Kuan, S., Dagusti, O., Amini, M., & Rabbani, M. (2019). English to Malay translation of culture-specific items in selected Penang tourist brochures. Studies in Linguistics and Literature. 3(1), 1-14.

31.  Ng, X. J., & Amini, M. (2019). Problems and solutions in English-Chinese translation of song lyrics in Mulan. JARDCS, 11(5), 1202-1206.

32.  Ng, S.H., Lin, S.E., Lee, C., & Amini, M. (2020). ESL reading assessment tool for pre-schoolers in Malaysia.Berjaya Journal of Services and Management, 14, 3-16.

33.  Nur Izzati Azman, Lin, S.E., & Amini, M. Alavi, M. (2020). Instructors and students’ use of literal, reorganization, and inferential reading strategies. The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature: Dynamics and Advances,8 (2),179-196.

34.  Peng Aik, Rabbani M., & Amini M. (2020). The association between perfectionism and social anxiety among adolescents in Selangor, Malaysia, JUMMEC, 23 (1), 1-5.

35.  Rahimi, F., Esfandiari, M.R., & Amini, M. (2016).An overview of studies conducted on washback, impact and validity. Studies in Literature and Language, 13(4), 6-14.

36.  Rezaeisharif, A., Sadeghi, Z., & Amini, M. (2020). Effectiveness of strength-oriented family therapy on hope, anxiety, stress and depression among mothers of children with cancer, Journal of Preventive Counselling, 1 (2),54-68.

37.   Tan, A. K. D., Amini, M. Lee, K.F. (2021). Challenges faced by non-professional interpreters in interpreting church sermons in Malaysia. INSANIAH: Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities, 4 (1), 53-74.

38.  Wang Min, Amini, M. (2018). Pragmatic presuppositions in Chinese skin-whitening advertisements. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, Special Issue 6,1105-1110.

39.  Wong, D. S.N., Tan, W.Y., & Amini, M. (2019). Violation of Grice’s Maxims in Malay- English Translations of Si Tanggang and Sang Kancil dan Buaya. JARDCS, 11(5), 1196-1201.

40.  Yap, S.C.W., Adeela Abu Bakar, Amini, M., & Rafik-Galea, S. (2018). Problems and solutions in English translations of Malay short stories. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, Special Issue 6, 1158-1166.

41.  Yap, S.C.W.,&Amini, M. (2020).Secondary world infrastructures and Storyworld of The Little Prince novella, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28 (1), 175-189.

42.  Yaqubi, M. Tahir, R. I., & Amini, M. (2018). Translation of Onomatopoeia: Somewhere between Equivalence and Function. Studies in Linguistics and Literature. 2 (3), 205-222. DOI: 10.22158/sll.v2n3p205.


Chan, G. (2017).Melaka: Signs of Culture & Heritage, An appreciation of the culture & history of the oldest city by a new generation of Malaysians. AdvationSdn. Bhd.: Malaysia. [Editor]

Conferences and trainings attended as presenter/trainer/keynote speaker

  1. Amini, M. (2012). Quality of interpreting from users’ perspective. Paper presented at MICOLLAC 2012, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia. Speaker
  2. Amini, M. (2017).Patterns of corrective feedback in EFL dyadic classroom interaction. Paper presented at The 8th Hatyai National and International Conference, Hatyai University, Thailand.Speaker
  3. Amini, M. (2017). FOSSLA Student Research Colloquium, Workshop conducted at UCSI University, Malaysia.Speaker
  4. Amini, M. (2018). APA Style 6TH Edition Writing Workshop, Workshop conducted at UCSI University, Malaysia. Speaker
  5. Amini, M. (2018). English to Malay translation of culture-specific items in touris brochures: A study on selected Penang brochures. Paper presented at the International Conference on Languages, Linguistics and Society (ICLALIS 2018)Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sabah, Malaysia. Speaker
  6. Amini, M. (2018). Improving Research and Publication. Workshop conducted at Phuket Rajabhat University, Thailand. (Invited speaker)
  7. Amini, M. (2018). Oral production enhancement through proactive error treatment of EFL learners. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on English Studies: Innovation in English Language Teaching and Learning, Krabi, Thailand.Speaker
  8. Amini, M. (2018) Scopus-indexed Publication. Workshop conducted at UCSI University, Malaysia. Speaker
  9. Amini, M. (2019). Problems and solutions in English translation of Malay short stories.Paper presented at The Asia TEFL International Conference and the 6th FLLT International Conference. Bangkok, Thailand.Speaker
  10. Amini, M. (2019). Improving Research and Publication. Workshop conducted at Phuket Rajabhat University, Thailand. (Invited Speaker)
  11. Amini, M. (2019). Task-based language teaching in translation and interpreting training. Paper presented at Teflin 66 International Conference of Communications, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia. Speaker
  12. Amini, M. (2020). English language teaching in the mainstream of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at The Second International Conference on English Language Education (ICONELE 2020), Indonesia. (Keynote Speaker)
  13. Amini, M. (2020). Structuring a research paper in Social Sciences. Workshop conducted at Phuket Rajabhat University, Thailand. (Invited Speaker)
  14. Amini, M. (2020). Structuring a research paper in Social Sciences. Workshop conducted at UCSI, Malaysia.Speaker
  15. Amini, M. (2021). How to Present Research Project in 15 Minutes.Workshop conducted at UCSI, Malaysia.Speaker
  16. Amini, M. (2021). Essentials of proposal writing.Workshop conducted at UCSI, Malaysia.Speaker
  17. Amini, M. (2021). Why Mixed methods research design? Workshop conducted at MohagheghArdabili University, Iran. (Keynote Speaker)
  18. Amini, M. (2021). Pedagogical approach with an intent focusing on Interaction, Time & Pace during Covid-19: Lessons Learnt.Australia-ASEAN Academics Forum: Online Education During COVID-19 and Beyond. Australia. (Speaker)
  19. Amini, M. (2021). Research trends in Translation.Organised by the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation. USM. 30 Sept. 2021 (Speaker)

Teaching/Research Areas

·       Translation/Interpreting Studies/Conference Interpreting

·       Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

·       English for Specific/Academic Purposes

·       Language Testing

·       English Grammar/Structure

·       English Language Skills/ Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

·       Education/Pedagogy